The following are some of the pianos and other representative instruments on display in the exhibition rooms of the Min-On Music Museum. Click on the instrument’s picture below to read more about it.
Antique Harpsichord and Fortepiano
“Pisa” Harpsichord
“Bologna” Harpsichord
“Strohm” Fortepiano
“Anton Walter” Fortepiano
Classic Pianos
“Johann Fritz” Fortepiano
“Conrad Graf” Fortepiano
“Erard” Fortepiano
“Collard & Collard” Square Fortepiano
“Schweighofer” Fortepiano
Pleyel Fortepiano
“Carl Rönish” Fortepiano
Auto-Reproducing and Modern Pianos & Organs
The Welte Mignon Reproducing Piano
“Marshal” Player Piano
“Steinway” Baby Grand Piano of Pablo Casals
“Blüthner” Baby Grand Piano of Hideo Saito
“Dominion” Organ
Automatic Instruments
“Orchestral Corona” King of Regina
Lochmann “Original” Tubular Chime
“Classical Orchestra”
Mechanical Organ “Orchestrion”
Fairy-tale Organ
Automata “Pierrot and Chair”
Hand-cranked organ / Type 1 Organetta
Music Box: “Porter Twin Disc” / Porter Music Box Company Inc,
Music Box: Sublime Harmonic piccolo / Langdorff & Fils
Music Box: “Eroica” Style No.38 / Symphonion Musicwerke
Music Box : “Polyphon Style 104” Coin-Operated type / Polyphon
Music Box: “Swan Elite” / Porter
Music Box: “Reginaphone Style 240” / Regina
Cylinder Phonograph: Edison Ambelora Model 30
Edison Official Laboratory Model C-19 “Chippendale”