by minon_admin | Sep 19, 2018 | GermanyRA, Interviews
Interview with H.E. Dr. Hans Carl Freiherr Von Werthern, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan Min-On Concert Association has proudly promoted the global exchange of musical culture since the initiation of programs in 1965, and to date, has engaged in...
by Peter | Mar 19, 2018 | Cultural Exchange, GermanyRA, News, Orchestral, Performing Arts
Berlin Philharmonic is a globally acclaimed orchestra based in Germany. While many highly talented young musicians from around the world seek to join the Berlin Philharmonic, only a select few are allowed to study at the Orchestra Academy and “Learn from the pros”—the...
by Peter | Sep 15, 2016 | Competitions, GermanyRA, News, Outreach, SpainRA
In October of last year, the 17th Tokyo International Music Competition for Conducting was held at the majestic Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall. Sixteen contestants from seven different countries were selected from the 239 applicants from 40 countries and...
by Peter | Sep 30, 2014 | Cultural Exchange, GermanyRA, News, Orchestral
Cello music offers a wide variety of tone color and acoustic expression. The instrument’s range can deliver powerful bass, dramatic tenor, and even some lyrical soprano. The cello is often described as the instrument that sounds closest to the human voice. Its...
by Peter | Sep 30, 2009 | Events, GermanyCE
Peter Gulke, jury for the 15th Tokyo International Competition