by minon_admin | Jun 7, 2021 | Min-On Music Journey, News, UzbekistanCE, UzbekistanRA
Welcome to Min-On’s Music Journey! Today, the Min-On Concert Association and the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan welcome you to the Republic of Uzbekistan in the heart of Central Asia. Registan Square in Samarkand Uzbekistan is known for World...
by Nathan Thorpe | May 1, 2009 | Events, UzbekistanCE
A Musical Voyage along the Silk Road – The Path of Alexander the Great
by Nathan Thorpe | Aug 1, 2000 | Events, UzbekistanCE
Uzbekistan Folklore Ensemble
by Nathan Thorpe | May 1, 1997 | Events, UzbekistanCE
A Musical Voyage along the Silk Road <10> – Uzbekistan Folklore Ensemble
by Nathan Thorpe | Jul 1, 1985 | Events, UzbekistanCE
A Musical Voyage along the Silk Road <4>
by Nathan Thorpe | Jul 1, 1977 | Events, UzbekistanCE
Min-On’s first reserch on music and dance in Uzbekistan