by Peter | Jun 8, 2016 | Cultural Exchange, IndonesiaCE, IndonesiaRA, Jazz & Popular, News
A Cappella is the musical term that describes a genre of music, specifically solo or group singing without any musical accompaniment. An a cappella singer once told us in an interview, “What fascinates me about a cappella is that it’s music made by nothing more than...
by Nathan Thorpe | Jul 1, 2005 | Events, IndonesiaCE
Indonesian Traditional Dance and Music Ensemble “Kabumi”
by Nathan Thorpe | Oct 1, 1999 | Events, IndonesiaCE
The “Indonesian Pops ’99
by Nathan Thorpe | May 1, 1999 | Events, IndonesiaCE
Gentra Madya Group participated in the Asia Peace and Arts Festival
by Nathan Thorpe | Oct 1, 1997 | Events, IndonesiaCE
Pelangi Nusantara
by Nathan Thorpe | Oct 1, 1995 | Events, IndonesiaCE
Royal Classical Javanese Dance Group