by Peter | Feb 28, 2014 | Features, SwedenRA
The Svanholm Singers People who hear a conversation in Swedish for the first time often comment that the language is very melodic with an almost sing-song quality. Indeed, Sweden is a country of singers—some statistics indicate that among a population of 9 million...
by Peter | Dec 22, 2013 | Cultural Exchange, Jazz & Popular, News, SwedenRA
A cappella—a colorful array of wonderful voices in harmony A cappella is the Italian term historically referred to music performed “in the style of the chapel”—vocal music without instrumental accompaniment—typically performed as part of religious...
by Nathan Thorpe | May 1, 2006 | Events, SwedenCE
Barbara Hendricks (Soprano singer)
by Nathan Thorpe | Sep 1, 2003 | Events, SwedenCE
The Romeo and Julia Choir
by Nathan Thorpe | Sep 1, 1994 | Events, SwedenCE
Norrköping Orchestra with Jun’ichi Hirokami