by Nathan Thorpe | Sep 1, 2007 | ChinaCE, Events
The China National Acrobatic Troupe (In commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of Japan and China Normalization)
by Nathan Thorpe | Jan 1, 2007 | ChinaCE, Events
“C-gal” (the Chinese female pop group)
by Nathan Thorpe | Jun 1, 2006 | ChinaCE, Events
The China Peking Opera Theater
by Nathan Thorpe | Sep 1, 2005 | ChinaCE, Events
The Tianjin Song and Dance Theater
by Nathan Thorpe | Apr 1, 2005 | ChinaCE, Events
The Asia Peace and Arts Festival (The China Art Ensemble)
by Nathan Thorpe | Mar 1, 2005 | ChinaCE, Events
The China Art Ensemble