by Nathan Thorpe | Jan 1, 2004 | AustriaCE, Events
Wiener Strauss Capelle
by Nathan Thorpe | Nov 1, 2003 | AustriaCE, Events
Uwe Mund (Conductor), the jury of the 13th Tokyo Int’l Music Competition (conducting)
by Nathan Thorpe | Jul 1, 2003 | AustriaCE, Events
Wiener Operettenorchester
by Nathan Thorpe | Jan 1, 2002 | AustriaCE, Events
Wiener Strauss Capelle
by Nathan Thorpe | Sep 1, 2001 | AustriaCE, Events
Jutta Seifert (Soprano)
by Nathan Thorpe | Nov 1, 2000 | AustriaCE, Events
Uwe Mund (Conductor), the jury of the 12th Tokyo Int’l Music Competition (conducting)