由 minon_admin | 4月 17, 2019 | Cultural Exchange, RussiaCE, RussiaRA
2018年10月22日至26日,于俄罗斯圣彼德堡市召开由Terem Quartet 和圣彼得堡市共同主办的国际音乐大赛“Terem Crossover 国际大赛”。民音的近藤常务理事被邀作为该大赛的审查委员之一。 Terem Quartet领队Andrey...
由 Peter | 2月 28, 2010 | Events, RussiaCE
Debute Concert of Mikhail Leontyev, a winner of the 15th Tokyo International Music Competition for Conducting
由 Nathan Thorpe | 10月 1, 2008 | Events, RussiaCE
Sveshnikov Concert Children’s Choir
由 Nathan Thorpe | 9月 1, 2008 | Events, RussiaCE
Russian Folk Ensembles “Primorye” and “Ryabina”
由 Nathan Thorpe | 10月 1, 2007 | Events, RussiaCE
Russian Folk Ensembles “Primorye” and “Ryabina”
由 Nathan Thorpe | 7月 1, 2007 | Events, RussiaCE
Russian Children’s Folkloric Dance Troupe (For Min-On’s School Concerts program)